On 25 April 2014, a newly built three manual romantic style organ whose building was financed by a number of private donors, among them the philanthropists, Boris and Ināra Teterev. In Latvia’s post-war history, this is the first organ to be newly built especially for Latvia’s needs and whose construction has been carried out by Latvia organ builders at the Ugāle organ building workshop. Therefore, the new organ building project is a rarity and an important event in Latvia’s cultural history.
Since the founding of the Academy of Music or then Conservatory, there has always been an Organ class. It was founded by organist Pauls Jozuus – a contemporary and friend of Jāzeps Vītols since their days in St. Petersburg. There, Jozuus studied at the conservatory and sung in the choir conducted by Vītols. They shared a sincere friendship and subsequently their professional careers would develop together. When Vītols was invited to Latvia to found the Conservatory, Pauls Jozuus also headed to Riga. Vītols became the rector, while Jozuus was appointed first master of the Organ class. Back in the day, he worked together with his students in the same classroom where the new organ has now been installed.
In 2015, support was provided for the organising of the IV International Jāzeps Vītols Vocalists Competition. The goal of the project is to continue and maintain an important professional event for opera singing in Latvia, which allows participants to appraise their abilities at international level, to compare their experience, as well as motivating young singers, facilitating contact making and once again affirming Latvia’s standing as a country with highly developed singing traditions and the ability to successfully organise large international cultural events.
The symbol chosen for the competition is a precious stone, drawing attention to the fact that any participant who gets up on stage both during the first stage and in the formal finale concert at the Latvian National Opera House is already an amazing nugget and gemstone, polished over the years through the relentless process of rehearsals. More information about the competition and the winners can be found at: www.vitolakonkurss.lv [2]